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BTWebKit - Prospect Form Implementation Guide

Revised December 4, 2008

Note to Users:

This document is written for the person integrating the code generated from the BT application and assumes a level of technical knowledge regarding HTML.


The prospect form wizard generates the html code that can be added to the company’s website to allow prospect data to automatically be added into the BuildTopia application.  Different html code needs to be generated for each project to be included in the builder’s website.  The reason for this is that the survey question data is unique per project.  An optional process is to put all prospects into a single project and then manually enter the prospect data into the specific project.


Implementation Steps



Generate HTML Code




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Navigation Path

Project Setup > Setup > Generate BTWebkit Prospect Form


The wizard captures various setup information related to the survey and follow-up information, and at the end customized HTML code is presented for the user to use in the company's website.


Follow the steps in the Generate BTWebkit Prospect Form to generate the code.

Integrate the  Generated HTML Code into Website


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Copy the code generated by the BuildTopia application and paste it into the builder’s website.

IMPORTANT: The HTML code can be modified and styled to fit the look and feel of the builder’s website. However, input names and JavaScript must be maintained. If the JavaScript or input names are altered the data will not be transferred correctly, and the builder could lose valuable prospects and leads.


Processing Leads and Prospects



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Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > New WIK Prospects


After successfully integrating the generated html code from step one above, into the Builder's website, leads and prospects will begin to appear in the application. These new prospects can be found within the Sales Rep module and the “New WIK Prospects” link.

Common Problems and Mistakes

Changing Input Names

Input names are an integral part of the code generated by BuildTopia. They are essentially the mapping between the user’s website and the BuildTopia application. These input names direct exactly where each piece of data is placed within the database, and if they are modified at all it will cause errors when prospects are submitted.

Not Saving Data

At the end of the Prospect Form Wizard, HTML code is generated. After copying this HTML code into the website, please do not forget to click on the “Save” button. If this button is not clicked, the setup is not saved. If the setup is not saved, when a prospect is submitted they will receive an error page. In essence, when modifying code in the application, the user has to make sure modifications are applied to both the database and their website.

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Troubleshooting and Testing Techniques

There are two options for troubleshooting:

Option 1- Regenerate the code out of the application:

This option can be used for general testing prior to integrating into the company's website.

How to test:

  1. Complete the BTWebKit wizard and copy the code into text pad, word pad, or note pad. Do NOT use Microsoft Word.
  2. Change file type to “all”
  3. Save with a “.html” extension
  4. Open the file using a web browser. Your browser should open by default when double clicking the file.

Option 2- Copy the code from the customers site:

This option can be used if the prospect filling out the form receives a BuildTopia error.

IMPORTANT: If using option 2 make sure you modify the submit URL to point to training. Also the prospect import process will have to have been set up for over a week so the settings will have flown down to training.

  1. View the source of the customers website.
  2. Copy and paste the code from the customers website into text pad, word pad, or note pad. Do NOT use Microsoft Word.
  3. Change file type to “all”
  4. Save with a “.html” extension
  5. Open the file using a web browser. This should default when double clicking the file.
  6. Things to look for when reviewing the code;

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Contact Customer Support: 1-800-411-2020 Option 4 or

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